Benedictine Wildlife Area Waterfowl Report -
Waterfowl numbers Mallard Migration Rank:  2 (Estimate of potential mallard numbers. 1=lowest, 10=highest) Some Teal are on the Wildlife Area 
Water level

A map of our wetlands is now available under the Wetland Map tab to the right.

The wetlands have great habitat such as, Giant Foxtail, Annual Smartweed, Barnyard grass, and sunflowers. 

We are currently pumping the small wetland complex southwest of the shop. It doesn't seem to be holding water as well as in years past.

Refuge (NOT open to hunting)

October 1 through March 31 the area can only be accessed with a special permit obtained through a drawing. Look for "Special Hunts" on our home page under "HUNTING".

Hunting conditions  Native vegetation such as annual smart weeds, barnyard grass, foxtail, and sunflowers are the most common vegetation.   
Expected hunting success Small groups of mallards are periodically using the Benedictine wetlands, along with the surrounding areas. About 500 ducks on the refuge. Hasn't been many ducks using the hurtable wetland. 
Comments Both wetlands southwest of shop/office are being pumped. Refuge wetland is being pumped as well.