Wildlife Conservation
Wildlife and its habitats are an important component of quality of life for Kansans. KDWPT is tasked with managing, enhancing and protecting these natural resources.
All new documented occurrences of threatened and endangered species, species in need of conservation, or extremely rare species observed in a new location in Kansas can be recorded using the following form. This information should then be submitted to the endangered species coordinator at the address provided on the form.
The goal of the Aquatic Species Recovery Program is to reestablish populations of native species back into habitats where they used to occur, but have since disappeared. Species reintroductions and monitoring surveys are made possible through voluntary agreements between private, non-federal landowners and KDWP. To find out more about the program and how you can get involved, click the link below.

The Chickadee Checkoff is a line appearing on the Kansas Individual Income Tax forms. Since 1980, it has provided Kansans an opportunity to contribute to wildlife programs.
Chickadee Checkoff Information
The Kansas Monarch Conservation Plan is centered on a 20-year objective to conserve, enhance, establish and create pollinator habitat on private, public, and urban lands through non-regulatory, voluntary efforts and actions across the state. Kansas is a national stronghold for monarch conservation and is uniquely positioned to conserve and enhance large acreage and landscapes for monarch migratory and breeding habitat. The Kansas Monarch Conservation Plan serves as a guiding document to support ongoing efforts or new conservation actions, recognizing it will take a multi-sector approach to achieve the set goals. This plan is intended for use by any individual or entity planning, implementing or funding monarch conservation activities in Kansas.
Kansas Monarch Conservation Plan