State Park Alerts

State park vehicle permits, annual camping permits and 14-day camping permits for the 2023 season will go on sale beginning December 13, 2022.

Campsite reservations for the 2023 season can be made beginning at noon on December 15, 2022.

  • MINIMUM STAY NOTICE: A four-night stay will be required for camping reservations during Memorial Day weekend, and three-night stays will be required for camping reservations during the Fourth of July and Labor Day weekends.

PLEASE USE THE ENTRANCE ON HIGHWAY 147 TO ENTER/EXIT THE PARK!  LOCATED JUST 13 MILES SOUTH OF I-70 (N 38° 48.741, W 99°43.610) Google Maps and other mapping software will sometimes route people to the wrong location! 

Water has been turned off to all campgrounds EXCEPT for Despatch and Hoonii which are first-come-first serve.  All other sites are electric only.   

The only Shower House open is located by the Rental Cabins in the Northshore Park (Bluffton Area)

For more information click, Cedar Bluff State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Cheney State Park


Water will be shut off to most sites from 11/15/2024 until spring of 2025. One shower house will remain open in each campground throughout winter.

If you are camping at a site that has a frost-free hydrant, it is your responsibility to turn off the hydrant and disconnect your water line when temperatures will be below 32 degrees. Failure to disconnect at these temperatures could result in damage to park or personal equipment. 

For more information click, Clinton State Park

First day camping reservations start April 1, 2025. You can reserve spots now! Hurry before spots full up!
(Cabins can be reserved 1 year in advance year round!)

For more information click, Crawford State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Cross Timbers State Park

2025 Reservations go on sale December 13, 2024, at 12 p.m. (NOON) CST.

For more information click, Eisenhower State Park

2025 Reservations go on sale December 20, 2024, at 12 p.m. (NOON) CST.

For more information click, El Dorado State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Elk City State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Fall River State Park

Restrooms at Pomona, Miller, Admire, and Bushong trailhead are now open.  Working water fountains are available at Bushong, Admire, and Miller during warmer months, but must be shut off when cold weather arrives.  Please always be aware of changing trail conditions due to weather such as cracks in the trail surface or obstacles such as fallen trees.

Trail Constuction and Section Closure. The section of the Flint Hills Trail between Vassar and South Lewelling Road in Osage County is now closed until at least the end of May 2025 while the trail section is upgraded. Travel in this area will require a detour. The shortest bypass uses county roads and the Highway. Traffic is heavy on this highway and other county roads may be used for bypass. (Using 245th for East West travel and accessing the trail via South Croco and South Fairlawn is a longer route with slower traffic). Visitors should evaluate routes and use caution during road travel. Please monitor this page for updates as well as the Kanza Rail Trail Conservancy Facebook page.

For more information click, Flint Hills Trail State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Glen Elder State Park

GREEN RECREATIONAL TRAIL WILL BE TEMPORARILY CLOSED TO DRIVE-IN TRAFFIC DUE TO CONSTRUCTION.  Green Recreational Trail Winter Hours - the trail will be closing before dark during winter hours. Hours may vary at times.  

For more information click, Green Recreational Trail State Park

Our beaches are closed for the 2024 season.

Scott Creek and Sunflower remain open year round, with all utilities on.  These sites will remain in a walk up status thru March 31st.

For more information click, Hillsdale State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Historic Lake Scott State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Kanopolis State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Kaw River State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Little Jerusalem Badlands State Park

The Lovewell State Park Office is open 8am to 4:00pm Monday thru Friday; closed Saturday and Sunday.   You can also utilize the new CampItKS app, and for online park purchases; and for license purchases. Self Pay Station and Kiosk are also available for walk-in campsites and daily vehicle permits.

DUE TO A MAINTENANCE ISSUE, WALLEYE PT RESTROOM/SHOWER BUILDING IS CLOSED. A PUBLIC RESTROOM/SHOWER FACILITY AT THE MAINTENANCE BUILDIDNG IS AVAILABLE.     Willow, Cottonwood, and Southwinds Shower/Restroom buildings are now closed for the season. Walleye Point Shower/Restroom building and the public shower/restroom facility at the Maintenance Building are available year-round. North Willow, Cottonwood and Cedar Point Utility Campgrounds are closed for the season. Walleye Point, South Willow and Southwinds Campgrounds are available year-round. 

As of 1-31-25, Lovewell Reservoir is currently 3.1 ft below conservation pool. Due to warmer temperatures and recent rain precipitation, ice is not considered safe for ice fishing. 

For more information click, Lovewell State Park

Updated 1/27/2025:

The official address for Meade State Park is now 12165 South V Road, Meade, KS 67864. This is the physical location of the park office. Please use the HWY 23 entrance to enter/exit the park.

The credit card machine located at the park's self-pay station is out of order (effective 12/19/2024). Cash/check is still accepted at the self-pay station (use the white envelopes provided and deposit in tank.) Credit cards are accepted at the park office during our normal business hours. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

ATTENTION CAMPERS:  A large water leak has been detected in the main line on the east side of the park. Water will be shut off to that side of the lake indefinitely effective 12/18/2024. This will affect winter camping in Cedar and Cottonwood Campgrounds. Electricity will remain ON to Cedar and Cottonwood campgrounds. If you are paying through the self-pay station, make sure you are only paying for ONE UTILITY at this time. The Dump Station will remain OPEN, however there will not be any fresh water available when dumping. Water/electrical service remains ON to Sagebrush campground near the park office. Campers may fill their tanks at any open site in Sagebrush before moving to Cedar or Cottonwood if they desire. We recommend campers fill their holding tanks prior to arriving at the park. 


Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The park office will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 28 - Thursday, Jan. 30 for staff training. We are short staffed at the moment and will have limited staff in the park on Monday, Jan. 27 and Friday, Jan. 31. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, Feb. 3rd.


FACILITY UPDATE: Water/electricity has been shut off to the Lakeview Campground and will remain off until April 1. The shower house/bathroom facility connected to the park office on the south side of the lake is open and available for use 365/24/7. The North Shower house is now closed for the season. The East vault near the boat ramp will remain open through the winter. The West Vault near Sagebrush and the South Trailhead is closed for the season. 

RESERVATIONS: Currently, all campsites are available on a first-come, first-served basis ONLY from Nov. 1, 2024 - March 31, 2025. Campsite permits may be purchased daily via the credit card machine at the self-pay station, or for multiple days at a time through the park office or by filling out a paper self-pay form. Pricing for individual campsites can be found on the sign at the self-pay station. Utility sites: $21.00/night X (#of nights) + $2.75 = TOTAL. Primitive Sites: $10.00/night X (#of nights) + $2.75 = TOTALA Kansas State Park Vehicle Pass is still required on ALL MOTORIZED VEHICLES entering the park. These are $5/day or $25/year (annual permits are good through Dec. 31, 2024.)

 Reservations for the 2025 camping season are now open!

Please check out the park's Facebook page for the latest information:

For more information click, Meade State Park

Milford State Park Update 02/10/2025: The state park is open for use. Milford Lake is approximately 0.47 feet below conservation pool level.

State Park Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm; When the Office & Gatehouse are closed, please use the self-pay station for camping and vehicle permit issuances (cash in self-pay envelope and credit card at the electronic kiosk machine).

State Park Area Temporary Closures: The Walnut Grove Boat Ramp is closed due to low water level and holes in concrete. Timberlane Big Oak, Honey Locust, and Red Cedar Cabins are closed for the winter season. Fish cleaning stations, Cedar Point, Walnut Grove, Prairie View, Eagle Ridge, and the Splash Park restroom facilities have been closed for the winter season as well.  

Winter Camping Season Information: All campsites and shelters are available on a first come, first serve basis November 1st-March 31st, 2025. Water and electric service at the campsites will remain on during the winter months too. We ask that you insulate your water lines and campers appropriately for the winter months. Your water hydrant and hose will need to be heat taped and then insulated from the ground level all the way to the top. If you do not insulate, the water hydrant must be turned off and hose unhooked. The Woodland Hills Campground shower house and restroom facility will remain open on the East side throughout the winter months for use. 

Blue-Green Algae Bloom Information: Please visit for any current blue-green algae bloom information. KDHE monitors lake conditions annually April 1st-October 31st. 

Milford State Park Camp Site Alert: Campsites 201, 202, 206, 207, 209, 210, 218, 220, 401, 403, 405, 407, 409, 411, 413, 415, and 417 are back-in campsites with the hookups on the passenger side (opposite of typical back-in campsites). Longer cord and hose may be needed. 

For more information click, Milford State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Mushroom Rock State Park



A winter storm is on track to move across the area tonight through Wednesday.  Please use extreme caution if traveling through the Park.  Roads will be cleared as soon as feasibly possible.

With the likely hazardous travel conditions, we have closed the road to Wild Horse Campground off Shelter Road (road behind the office down to the north boat ramp) and this area will be cleared when time allows.

Both boat ramps have been pulled. Please use caution around water and ice.

As the weather changes just a reminder for your safety and protection of the trails- please Do not use/ride on the muddy trails. "If you leave tracks turn back" and do not make new trails.  

Annual permits for Kansas State Parks 2025 Season are now available for purchase online, at state park offices, and at vendor locations.  Online reservations for the April 1-Oct 31 2025 Camping Season at Perry State Park are now open. or, you may also call the office.  Eagle Landing, Cougar Pass, Lake View, and Cottonwood Bridge are the utility areas and sites are reservable. All primitive areas Mulberry Grove Catfish Alley Hideaway and Hobie Cove first come first serve.

Business rules as follows established 2024:

  1. All platforms. Implement a 'CHANGE FEE'. $5.00 fee. Applies to any reschedule or date change campsite/cabin reservation, and/or shortened stay. Does not apply to transfer same facility of campsite/cabin, unless a shortened stay.
  2. All platforms. Campsite cancellation/no show 0-2 days prior to arrival date results is no refund. Campsite cancellation 3-14 days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee, 1 night stay fees, and implement a $5 cancellation fee. Campsite cancellations 15+ days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee + $5 cancellation fee.
  3. All platforms. Cabin cancellation/no show 0-4 days prior to arrival date results is no refund. Cabin cancellation 5-29 days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee, 1 night stay fees, and implement a $5 cancellation fee. Cabin cancellations 30+ days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee + $5 cancellation fee.

Reminder: Reservations are not to be sold on Buy Sell Trade or Facebook Sites


The water has been shut off to the park for the winter.  Lake View Campground and Cougar Pass Campground have frost free hydrants and the water will stay on, but YOU MUST DISCONNECT FROM THE HYDRANT AFTER FILLING YOUR TANK each time.  The entrance lift station and the Lake View lift station will have electricity but no water to rinse.

There is a frost-free spigot on/near the Lake View Boat Ramp, south end near the vault toilet that will remain open for water access.  You cannot camp there.

Water is off at these locations:

  • Wild Horse both the Campground and the Bathhouse 11/4
  • Eagle Landing Campground 11/4
  • Cottonwood Bridge Campground 11/5
  • Eagle Landing Bathhouse 11/12
  • Lake View Bathhouse 11/18
  • Entrance Lift Station 11/18
  • Lake View Lift Station 11/18


  • Hobie Cove shower house is currently closed, due to issues with the building integrity.
  • Turkey Run campground is closed and so is that bathhouse due to construction of cabins

Campgrounds with Utilities

  • Eagle Landing - no water electric only
  • Cottonwood Bridge-no water electric only
  • Wild Horse - no water electric only

Primitive Campgrounds (no utilities)

  • Mulberry Grove
  • Catfish Alley
  • Hideaway
  • Pelican Point: Walk in camping only.  Please do not drive around the barricades. 
  • Hobie Cove: Individual camp sites are established 1-30. Only three camp units will be permitted per camp site for a family or group. The post number indicates the middle of the site. Appropriate fees will apply to each of the camp units.

ALL SEASONAL CAMPING SITES have been selected during the lottery held on December 2nd 

NOTICE TO HORSE CAMPERSYou must have a HORSE ON SITE TO CAMP AT WILD HORSE EQUESTRIAN CAMPGROUND.  STARTING NOV 1, 2024, all sites will be first come first serve until March 31, 2025. You will need to call the office for reservations for the prime season (April 1 thru October 31).

NOTICE FOR BOAT OWNERS All Boats: New Registrations, Renewals and Transfers. Please read the instructions below:

  1. Your registrations can be done here at Perry State Park. Monday - Friday 8:00 -3:30 Only. No boat registrations can be done on the weekend.
  2. YOU must have all paperwork done ahead of time. Copies cannot be done here.  
  3. Kansas Requires a bill of sale. A copy of the appropriate bill of sale form is on this website. 
  4. You will need to provide our office A PRINTED picture of the HULL ID - if you can't print a picture, we can take a readable etching of the HULL ID Number that is associated with your vessel. (The Hull ID is located on the back of the transom, and it is 12 digits long)
  5. There is a form to fill out. This form is under -how to register your boat, "the Application for Certificate of Number Kansas Boating" -- open the + Registration and Renewal Forms.
  6. All new boats, out of state boats, and transfers of boats will need to fill out this form. It must be signed and filled out completely.
  7. If you bought the boat from a dealer in state or out of state, YOU MUST SETTLE YOUR SALES TAX FIRST with your County, so you will need to provide us a copy of payment of sales tax from your county before you can register the vessel.

HUNTING SEASON----Remember Horse Trails and Bike Trails can cross over into CORP OF ENGINEERS LAND and there might be some walk-in hunting during the various hunting seasons on their property and PERRY STATE PARK is scheduled for some special hunts in designated areas starting 9/15-12/31. Please use caution and wear brightly colored clothing (preferably ORANGE) when using all trails. 

COVID 19 and its variants can still be a concern we still ask that all visitors continue to practice social distancing and wear a mask when necessary.  Maintain a safe space between yourself and others... Be aware of surfaces that are touched regularly, and remember they are only as clean or sanitized as the last person to use it.  Wash your hands with soap and water and use alcohol base sanitizer after touching these surfaces (bathroom door handles, self-pay station, etc.).

For more information click, Perry State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Pomona State Park


Want to reserve a campsite at Prairie Dog State Park, or a cabin for anytime in the next 12 months?  All utility campsites are reservable, as well as most of our mushroom shelters (M2-M10), for an arrival date of April 1 or later. For primitive or dry camping, the sites are not reservable, but as long as it's not a busy holiday weekend, we have plenty of available primitive camping areas.  If the current time is before noon, you can call and reserve a campsite 1 day in advance. If the current time is after 12 noon, you can reserve a campsite 2 days in advance. Cabins are reservable from 2 days in advance, up to 364 days in advance.

2025 Annual Camp Permit, Annual Vehicle Permit, and 14-Night Camp Permit are now available for purchase. Annual Camp Permit gets you a $10 discount for each night of camping in 2025 at any KS State Park; the Annual Vehicle Permit allows you to enter any KS State Park until Dec. 31 of 2025, and costs the same as five daily permits; the 14-Night Camp Permit gets you a $10 discount for each night of camping for a total of 14 nights, which can be spread out over more than one camping stay and in one or more KS State Parks.

Water has been turned off to the entire park.  All facilities in the park do not have water ... dump stations, our two primitive cabins, shower houses and campsites. Shower houses will be closed, dump stations will remain open without water. You can get water in Norton at the water tower park located on hwy 36 across the street from Bomgaars. We do have vault toilets that are open year round.

The Senior Lifetime Combo license is no longer for sale. KDWP says that the statute has expired which allowed the sale of this permit. Senior Hunt and Senior Fish are still for sale annually at $15 each, for Kansas residents age 65-74.

No burn ban.  Campfires and charcoal grilling are allowed.

For cabins and campsites, there is a $5 fee to cancel a reservation. The $5 fee is in addition to the existing refund policy, based on how many days in advance you cancel the reservation. Call the office for more information.

For a date change on an existing reservation for a cabin or campsite, there is a $5 date change fee.   

Office hours:  we are open on Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm, and closed Saturday and Sunday. 

Interested in knowing the water level at Keith Sebelius Reservoir?  You can look at to see our "pool elevation" which is the water level. You can also find other information, and you can run a report at the bottom of that webpage for one month or for one year. The report will show things such as inflow, water level, precipitation, and more.

Websites: is for camping, cabins, and vehicle permits; is for boating, fishing and hunting. Look for the apps to install on your smart phone for these websites also.

Fishing bait is available in Norton. T & D Bait Shop is operated at a house 1 block east of the Post Office, and 1/2 block south. Worms are for sale at the Alta convenience store and at Bomgaars.

Click on the News icon above to see our "Did You Know" information.

Questions about fees for camping and for vehicles in the park?

When you register a boat, you must provide something that has the hull ID: a title, bill of sale, a picture on your phone, etc. If your newly acquired boat was built before 1972, chances are that it does not have a Hull ID. Also bring a bill of sale, showing the seller and buyer's names, the date of purchase, price, make and model of boat, etc.

For more information click, Prairie Dog State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Prairie Spirit Trail State Park

No alerts at this time.

For more information click, Sand Hills State Park

2025 Reservations go on sale Friday, December 13, 2023, at 12 p.m. (NOON) CST.

In the event of needing assistance with an issue when the office is closed during the week or weekend, please find a CAMPHOST in the park. Our camp-host for River Pond Area are located right by the east gatehouse as you come in by the archery range or right by the camp store. Our camp-host for the Rocky Ford area are located right across from site 119 and the trail head. Our camp-host for Cedar Ridge area are located in front of the cabins and next to the swing set. Our camp-host for Fancy Creek are located right next to the vault bathroom by Hidden Hallow Loop Campground. Our camp-host for South Randolph are located next to site 211 and across from the shower building. Our camp-host will be able to answer any of your questions or get in contact with a maintenance personal or Park Ranger to handle any issues. In the event of an emergency, call 911. 

For more information click, Tuttle Creek State Park


Monday-Friday        8 am to 4 pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

Old Marina Shower House closed for the season.
Townsite Shower House closed for the season.
Rock Point Shower House closed for the season.
Water at OMC 43-51 has been shut off for the season.
Fish Cleaning Station has been shut down for the season.
North Dump Station closed for the season.

For more information click, Webster State Park

The park office will be closed Friday, February 7 in the morning so staff may attend a funeral. 

2025 Reservations for Wilson State Park will go live Friday December 20, 2024 at noon. Annual vehicle permits, Annual camping permits and 14 Day camping permits will be available Monday, December 9, 2024.

The marina bathroom and the Wheatgrass bathroom/shower have been closed for the season. Fish Cleaning Station is also closed for the season.

Wilson State Park is excited to announce that Story Adventures has opened at Cedar Trail in the Otoe Area. This is part of the Imagination Library of Kansas program. Story panels along the trail feature the children's storybook One Leaf, Two Leaves, Count with Me! by John Micklos Jr and Clive Farland.  By using the QR code on the Story Adventure panels, families can enroll children ages birth to age 5 in the Imagination Library book gifting program. Once enrolled, children receive one free age-appropriate book per month mailed directly to their home.  Cedar Trail coordinates: 38.924695, -98.488815. The park is accessible daily and a vehicle permit is required to enter the state park areas. Check out the new storyboard while the leaves are showing their fall colors.

Link: Story Adventures | Kansas Children's Cabinet and Trust Fund (

New for 2024 :  Implement a CHANGE FEE $5 fee. Applies to any reschedule or date change campsite/cabin reservation, and/or shortened stay. Does not apply to transfer same facility/same date of campsite/cabin, unless a shortened stay.

Reminder: Reservations are not to be sold on Buy Sell Trade or Facebook Sites. If you can not occupy your site please contact the park office. 785-658-2465.

Switchgrass bathroom/shower facility & Big Bluestem bathroom/shower house are open year round in Hell Creek and Yarrow and Coneflower bathroom/shower houses in Otoe are open year round.

Campgrounds with water available year round are: Big Bluestem, Foxtail, Lovegrass and Wheatgrass in the Hell Creek Area and Goldenrod in the Otoe Area.

Lovegrass Group Camp Area is available with online reservations. Annual Camp and 14 Night permits will not be valid when doing reservations in the Lovegrass Croup Camp area.

New Business Rules

Campsite cancellation/no show 0-2 days prior to arrival date results is no refund. Campsite cancellation 3-14 days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservations fee, 1 night stay fees, and implement a $5 cancellation fee. Campsite cancellations 15+ days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee + $5 cancellation fee.

Cabin cancellation/no show 0-4 days prior to arrival date results is no refund. Cabin cancellation 5-29 days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee, 1 night stay fees, and implement a $5 cancellation fee. Cabin cancellations 30+ days prior to arrival date results in loss of reservation fee + $5 cancellation fee.

For more information click, Wilson State Park