Application Period for Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission Big Game Hunting Permits Now Open

For Immediate Release:
November 27, 2024
Laura Rose Clawson, Chief of Public Affairs
Application Period for Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission Big Game Hunting Permits Now Open
TOPEKA – Kansas-based chapters of nonprofit organizations focused on wildlife conservation and promoting the hunting and fishing heritage have a special fundraising opportunity thanks to the Kansas Wildlife and Parks Commission. Through the Commission Big Game Permit program, eligible organizations can enter a random drawing for one of seven special big game hunting permits, which may then be sold to fund conservation projects. The drawing will take place at the Commission's meeting on January 30, 2025. Applicants do not need to be present to win.
Applications are due by Jan. 17, 2025. To submit an application:
- Visit
- Click “Commissioner Permits” toward the bottom of the page
- Download the file titled, “2025 Commissioner Permit Application fillable.”
- Return the completed application by mail or email at the addresses listed on the application
Each year, the program offers up to seven Commission Big Game permits (no more than one elk and one antelope and up to seven deer permits), depending on applicants’ preferences. Deer permits are either-species/either-sex and are valid statewide during any season with the legal equipment for that season; and, they do not count against other big game permits the license holder may obtain.
Winning organizations keep 15 percent of their sale price of the Commission Big Game Permit to support their missions. The remaining 85 percent is held by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks until a mutually agreed upon conservation project is approved. (If Kansas Hunters Feeding the Hungry is drawn, they may keep 85 percent of their sale price in order to offset donated deer processing fees.) Organizations may not win a Commission Big Game Permit more than once in a three-year period.
For more information, contact Jake George, KDWP Wildlife Division Director, at