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Cheney Reservoir (Fishing Location) 8%
Largemouth Bass Striped Bass Walleye Wiper Blue Catfish 10 50 5 5 2 2 2 5 10" 15" 21" 21" 21" 35" 0 0 0 1 Cheney Wildlife Area Public Lands Manager: Richard Rogers The shooting range may be closed without .... Continue to Cheney Reservoir >>
El Dorado (Locations) 8%
been granted to the Ks. Dept. of Wildlife and Parks. Located 3 miles east of El Dorado on US-54 and 1 mile north One of the top state parks in America based on fishing, boating and family fun, El ... The 8,000 acre reservoir was constructed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1981. That same year, a license agreement was granted to the Kansas Fish and Game Commission (predecessor .... Continue to El Dorado >>
Area News (Article) 8%
. Please remove all trash when you are done enjoying the area. Cheney Shooting Range: Target practice outside the range anywhere else at the Reservoir is unlawful. 2023 schedule .... Continue to Area News >>
Bolton (Locations) 8%
on the property. The Department implemented a patch-burn grazing system in the spring of 2011. Cattle are allowed to freely graze the 600 acres of native range during the months of May-August. Approximately 1 ... Hunting, trapping, and fishing are allowed on the area. Camping, off-road vehicle use, horse riding, and target shooting are prohibited. SPECIAL NOTE: Individuals hunting on the area .... Continue to Bolton >>
a degree in hand. This experience may include prescribed burning, food plot establishment, moist soil management, range management, exotic plant removal, noxious weed spraying, water-level management .... Continue to Area News >>
Black Tern (Species information) 8%
Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin Geary Gove Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny Kingman Kiowa ... to build nests. The birds also need open water areas for foraging for insects and minnows, their main food source, and frequently forage over small ponds and open streams. The Kansas status and range .... Continue to Black Tern >>
Hillsdale State Park Open House (Event) 8%
Hillsdale State Park is hosting their annual Open House April 25th from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Come tour the Jayhawk Marina, join the Skeet Shooting Clinic at Hillsdale Range, hike one of our trails .... Continue to Hillsdale State P... >>
PIPING PLOVER (Species information) 8%
Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin Gove Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Jewell Kearny Kingman Kiowa Labette Lane Lincoln ... an eligible project is proposed that will impact the species’ preferred habitats within its probable range, the project sponsor must contact the Ecological Services Section, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks .... Continue to PIPING PLOVER >>
Cheney (Locations) 8%
/cheney-state-park/r/campgroundDetails.page?parkID=519116&media=3 Cheney Wildlife Area Public Lands Manager: Spencer Putman The shooting range may be closed without prior notice during periods of inclement weather. (e.g. rain, lightning, snow, sleet, icy .... Continue to Cheney >>
Golden Eagle (Species information) 8%
Finney Ford Franklin Geary Gove Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny Kingman Kiowa Lane Leavenworth Lincoln ... eastward. The birds are usually shy and nesting sites are fairly isolated. Each pair occupies a large home range of thirty-five square miles. Most hunt either from a perch or by a steep dive from .... Continue to Golden Eagle >>
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