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ELDR Tagged blue catfish (Image) 10%
The July 2005 stocking was the second stocking of blue catfish at El Dorado. The first stocking was in October 2004 when 12,500 advanced fingerlings (7 to 9 inches in length) were stocked .... Continue to ELDR Tagged blue... >>
Trout Activity @ CDBR Stilling Basin 3-3-2005 (Image) 10%
Trout Activity @ CDBR Stilling Basin 3-3-2005 .... Continue to Trout Activity @... >>
Why doesn't KDWP stock certian fish in my favorite lake? (Article) 10%
KDWP raises and stocks certain species of fish in water bodies around the state according to a stocking plan based on annual fish sampling data and availability of suitable habitat. Stocking ... Why doesn't KDWP stock certian fish in my favorite lake? .... Continue to Why doesn't KDWP... >>
Would fishing improve if lakes and rivers were stocked with more fish? (Article) 10%
In most cases, stocking of common fish like bass, bluegill, or crappie will not improve fisheries in natural waters. The limiting factors of water quality and habitat influence the number ... Would fishing improve if lakes and rivers were stocked with more fish? .... Continue to Would fishing imp... >>
About Kansas Fishing (Folder) 10%
waters across the state from October through April. A trout permit is required of all anglers who fish for trout during the season. The urban program stocks catchable-sized channel catfish in select urban .... Continue to About Kansas Fishing >>
Atchison County (Folder) 10%
Atchison State Fishing Lake - Will be stocked April 1 and July 15 .... Continue to Atchison County >>
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