Perry Wildlife Area
Much of Perry Wildlife Area lies within the Perry Reservoir flood pool, thus flooding is not uncommon. The Delaware River bisects the area from north to south with several small creeks feeding it. The area has a diversity of habits with interspersion of Oak-Hickory woodlands, warm and cool season grasslands, man-made wetlands, and several acres of cropland.
In the mid 1970's, 11 marsh complexes were built. Two additional marshes were developed after 2000. These marshes provide about 1,000 acres of wetland habitats. The Kyle Marsh, West River Marsh, Reichart Marsh and Northwest Marsh can be pumped from the Delaware River to provide habitat for migratory birds during dry years. All other wetlands depend on natural run off, thus water levels may vary from year to year.
Moist soils management is conducted on all marshes which uses water level fluctuations to manage for desirable wetland vegetation beneficial to migratory birds. Periodically, some marshes will be drained in order to conduct dike repairs and control invading woody vegetation and cattails. Management of upland habitats over the years has consisted of converting croplands and cool season grasses to native warm season grasses and forbs, planting of shrub plots, selective cutting of invading woody vegetation, and prescribed burning to stimulate native warm season grasses and forbs.
White-tailed deer and wild turkey are plentiful on the area. Waterfowl numbers vary depending on available habitat, but the area has supported large numbers during both the fall and spring migrations. Mourning dove numbers vary yearly depending on nesting conditions. Ring-necked pheasant can be found on the area with good numbers on the area. Bobwhite quail populations are good on the area, but a good dog is needed due to the dense vegetation. Squirrel and cottontail rabbit numbers are generally healthy and provide some of the most under utilized hunting opportunities on the area.
Non-game species are very plentiful on the area and provide some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities. A wide array of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians can be found on the area.
Fishing for catfish, white bass, and crappie in the Delaware River are also popular activities. Trapping which is allowed on the area, can be a very successful venture due to the wide array of furbearer habitats.
Special Features
Handicapped access area. Written permission required from manager for operating vehicle off road in designated area.
Mentor/Youth access area designated for youth 17 years and younger accompanied by no more than one adult per youth.
Two boat ramps are located on the Delaware River South of Valley Falls. West River Boat Ramp is located at 150th Street on the West side of the Delaware River and Walker Bridge Boat Ramp is located on Hamilton Road East of the Delaware River.
Perry W.A. is heavily used due to its proximity to major metropolitan areas. Opening days and weekends of all seasons are busiest.
Manager: Andrew Page
Phone: 785-945-6615
Seven managed Dove fields are located on the Perry Wildlife Area totaling about 93 acres. ALL DOVE FIELDS ON PERRY WILDLIFE AREA ARE NON-TOXIC SHOT ONLY. All fields are sunflowers with the centers of the fields mowed out for hunters to sit around the perimeter of each field. A field is located just South of the area office near 174th and Finney Rd to the East of Finney Rd. and totals 18.6 acres. The refuge Dove field is located North of 190th Rd. East of Swabville and totals 13.9 acres. The refuge Dove field and everything North of 190th Rd. will be closed to all hunting/access and will open for hunters on Wednesday September 4th. There is a 6 acre field located in the youth/disabled area, East of Harvey Rd. and is reserved for a special youth hunt on Sunday September 1st, this field opens to the public on Monday September 2nd and is closed to all access/activities until that time. We also have a field located just South of 166th and West of Finney Road that is reserved for a special veterans hunt being held on Sunday September 1st, and will open to the public on Monday September 2nd. A field is located just south of the information kiosk on 190th Rd. East of Swabville and totals 20.9 acres. A field is located just Southeast of the intersection of 130th and Edwards Rd. and totals 12.5 acres. The last field is the youth/disabled field which is 15 acres and located just south of 154th Rd and West of Ferguson Rd. in the Youth and Mentor/Handicapped field. Each adult must be accompanied by an actively hunting youth to be hunting this field.
Maintain safe shooting distances between hunting parties and always know what lies beyond your target. It is highly recommended that hunters where safety/shooting glasses within the dove fields to prevent potential injury due to falling pellets.
Detailed maps and information will be posted on the Perry Wildlife Area web page.
Perry Wildlife Area is included in the electronic daily hunt permit system. This system, which will streamline data gathering for management purposes and be convenient for hunters, has taken the place of the old paper dove survey card system. Hunters can register at any time by going to to register and check-in for hunting. After you are done hunting, you will “check-out” and record any harvest you may have from the hunt. Electronic daily hunt check-in is mandatory for all hunters pursuing any type of game on the Perry Wildlife Area
For additional information go to: or call Public Lands Section at 620-672-5911.
Field #1:Non-Toxic shot only. Refuge field closed to public hunting/access, will open September 4th. This is located North of 190th Rd. East of Swabville and totals 13.9 acres.
Field #2: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is located just South of the informational kiosk on 190th Rd. and East of Swabville and totals 20.9 acres.
Field #3: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is located just South of the area office near 174th and Finney Rd to the East of Finney Rd. and totals 18.6 acres
Field #4: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is reserved for a special veteran’s hunt being held on Sunday, September 1st . It is closed to all activities/access until Monday, September 2nd when it opens to all public access. This field is located just South of 166th and West of Finney Rd and totals 6.2 acres.
Field #5: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is the youth/disabled field which is 15 acres and located just south of 154th Rd and West of Ferguson Rd. in the Youth and Mentor/Handicapped field. Each adult mentoring a youth must be accompanied by an actively hunting youth to be hunting this field.
Field #6: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is located just Southeast of the intersection of 130th and Edwards Rd. and totals 12.5 acres.
Field #7: Non-Toxic shot only. This field is reserved for a special youth hunt being held on Sunday, September 1st . It is closed to all activities/access until Monday September 2nd , then it opens to public access. Even once this field opens to the public, each adult mentoring a youth must be accompanied by an actively hunting youth to be hunting this field. This is located just East of Harvey Rd. in the Perry Wildlife Area Youth/Handicap area and totals 6.2 acres.
- Camping, horse-back riding, ATV riding, and target shooting are prohibited activities. See Public Lands Regulations Summary for additional restrictions.
- All vehicles must stay on maintained roads and parking areas. Off-road driving is prohibited.
- Please do not park in front of or block gates and field accesses.
- Refuge areas are closed to all activities from October 1 through January 15.
- Gas Powered boats are prohibited from use on all marshes except for the east and west pools of the Kyle marsh complex, Sunset Ridge, and Rucker Marsh.
Here is a complete list of Public Land Regulations or you can download the regulation summary.
The Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks has leased 10,500 acres of land at the north end of the Perry Reservoir Project from the U.S.Corps of Engineers since 1970. The area is operated and managed by the Department for wildlife management and public hunting opportunities.
- Type of Facility: Boat Ramp
- Location of Facility: N39 19.114 W095 26.490
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 21.292 W095 29.317
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 22.260 W095 28.917
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 22.783 W095 30.094
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 21.302 W095 28.265
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 22.759 W095 28.759
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 17.741 W095 27.082
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 18.692 W095 26.650
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 19.127 W095 25.637
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 17.860 W095 25.291
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 19.376 W095 26.372
- Click for more information
- Type of Facility: marsh
- Location of Facility: N39 19.563 W095 26.057
- Click for more information
Waterfowl Updates | A waterfowl survey was conducted on 1/15/25 and all wetlands and the Delaware River are 100% frozen. Most waterfowl are confined to a few small pockets out in the middle of the main lake.
ATTENTION WATERFOWL HUNTERS - LEGAL SHOOTING LIGHT IS FROM 3O MINUTES BEFORE SUNRISE TO SUNSET. *DON'T FORGET TO CHECK-IN / CHECK-OUT HERE, using your licensing login credentials. Mallard Migration Rank = 5 (0 = no mallards 10 = peak migration)
Lake level | 0.08 Feet Below Conservation Pool |
Habitat conditions | Mild flooding in the spring, followed by a wetter than normal summer allowed for minimal pool work to be completed, however native moist soil response was good overall.
Comments | Habitat Condition Rating (HCR): 1-10; 1-Poor habitat, 5-quality habitat, 10-Exceptional habitat Reminder: Gas powered boats are only allowed on the River, Lake, Sunset Ridge, Kyle East and West and Rucker wetland pools. Electric powered boats are allowed in all marsh pools. Kyle: West unit is full and launching boats should be no problem. Early summer flooding led to no mechanical pool disturbance, however it did allow the West unit to fill 100% full and the water was held. Full Pool. Launching of boats in the East unit is possible. HCR-6 West River: Early summer flooding led to no mechanical pool disturbance and some water was held in the upper and lower units. Native moist soil vegetation is good with areas of river bullrush becoming fairly thick with no opportunity to get in and remove any this year. Pumping has began and will continue throughout the beginning of regular duck season as migration increases. HCR-6 Upper Ferguson: This wetland grew mostly native smartweed and has little water currently. The water control structure is currently removed from the wetland and we do not have a timeline on when we will have the new one installed yet. The refuge is closed Oct 1st thru Jan 15th to ALL Activity HCR-6. Lassiter: Late summer heavy rain allowed for some water to collect in both the East and West Units. Some of the wetland vegetation is fairly thick in this wetland as some disking was done very early spring, but then conditions didn't allow us to get back in this pool. HCR-5 Northwest: This unit was managed for native moist soil this season. Moist soil vegetation did well and late summer rains allowed for collection of some water already. Full Pool. HCR-7 Headquarters: Corn was planted in this marsh and most of it on the South end flooded out and water was held. HCR-5 Mitigation: Minimal Water. Moist soil vegetation is very good in this unit and boards are in to hopefully collect more water as the season progresses. HCR-7 Hayward: Water was caught and held in this unit very early this spring, leading to minimal food available . HCR-5 Reichart: Most of this wetland was planted to corn and has been harvested. Full Pool on East side, west units run off dependent for further flooding. HCR-8. Zebra Mussels have been confirmed in the lake. Be sure to dry boats and equipment before moving to other waters. Please remember to fill out the permit with accurate information. THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CURRENT AND FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF THE AREA. FILL OUT ONLY YOUR INDIVIDUAL HARVEST EFFORTS, i.e., NOT A GROUP HARVEST TOTAL. |