Waterfowl Updates | A waterfowl survey was conducted on 1/15/25 and all wetlands and the Delaware River are 100% frozen. Most waterfowl are confined to a few small pockets out in the middle of the main lake.
ATTENTION WATERFOWL HUNTERS - LEGAL SHOOTING LIGHT IS FROM 3O MINUTES BEFORE SUNRISE TO SUNSET. *DON'T FORGET TO CHECK-IN / CHECK-OUT HERE, https://ksoutdoors.com/checkin using your licensing login credentials. Mallard Migration Rank = 5 (0 = no mallards 10 = peak migration)
Lake level | 0.08 Feet Below Conservation Pool |
Habitat conditions | Mild flooding in the spring, followed by a wetter than normal summer allowed for minimal pool work to be completed, however native moist soil response was good overall.
Comments | Habitat Condition Rating (HCR): 1-10; 1-Poor habitat, 5-quality habitat, 10-Exceptional habitat Reminder: Gas powered boats are only allowed on the River, Lake, Sunset Ridge, Kyle East and West and Rucker wetland pools. Electric powered boats are allowed in all marsh pools. Kyle: West unit is full and launching boats should be no problem. Early summer flooding led to no mechanical pool disturbance, however it did allow the West unit to fill 100% full and the water was held. Full Pool. Launching of boats in the East unit is possible. HCR-6 West River: Early summer flooding led to no mechanical pool disturbance and some water was held in the upper and lower units. Native moist soil vegetation is good with areas of river bullrush becoming fairly thick with no opportunity to get in and remove any this year. Pumping has began and will continue throughout the beginning of regular duck season as migration increases. HCR-6 Upper Ferguson: This wetland grew mostly native smartweed and has little water currently. The water control structure is currently removed from the wetland and we do not have a timeline on when we will have the new one installed yet. The refuge is closed Oct 1st thru Jan 15th to ALL Activity HCR-6. Lassiter: Late summer heavy rain allowed for some water to collect in both the East and West Units. Some of the wetland vegetation is fairly thick in this wetland as some disking was done very early spring, but then conditions didn't allow us to get back in this pool. HCR-5 Northwest: This unit was managed for native moist soil this season. Moist soil vegetation did well and late summer rains allowed for collection of some water already. Full Pool. HCR-7 Headquarters: Corn was planted in this marsh and most of it on the South end flooded out and water was held. HCR-5 Mitigation: Minimal Water. Moist soil vegetation is very good in this unit and boards are in to hopefully collect more water as the season progresses. HCR-7 Hayward: Water was caught and held in this unit very early this spring, leading to minimal food available . HCR-5 Reichart: Most of this wetland was planted to corn and has been harvested. Full Pool on East side, west units run off dependent for further flooding. HCR-8. Zebra Mussels have been confirmed in the lake. Be sure to dry boats and equipment before moving to other waters. Please remember to fill out the permit with accurate information. THIS INFORMATION IS VERY IMPORTANT TO THE CURRENT AND FUTURE MANAGEMENT OF THE AREA. FILL OUT ONLY YOUR INDIVIDUAL HARVEST EFFORTS, i.e., NOT A GROUP HARVEST TOTAL. |